For More Information


Remote work is a model in which employees don’t have to travel to a central office or space to do their job. Instead, they can do their work from anywhere they want, which is why remote work is also called by many other names that highlight that flexibility, including working from home (WFH), work from anywhere (WFA), and flexible workplace. Such a broad definition of remote work implies that many things can be covered by it. Members of the same team that work from different countries, employees from different branches collaborating with one another, people working from home on their laptops or mobile phones— all of them can be seen as remote workers.


Fully remote company This type occurs when the company doesn’t have any offices and the entire team works remotely. Thus, the company exists mostly online, both for customers and employees who leverage cloud-based platforms to collaborate with one another without having to meet face-to-face. Distributed office hubs This type has the company setting up offices across different cities, countries, and even regions. Each office has a localized team that responds to it, even when employees aren’t working in-house. These offices all depend on a central office that assigns the tasks to each distributed team. Hybrid model This is the type of remote work we use at universalknowledge . There are 2 options here. Either your team works a couple of days in-house and the remaining from their homes or you hire an in-house team and a remote team. Hence the hybrid name—it uses both the in-person and remote approaches at the same time.


No one can argue that the disruption brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic pushed companies toward remote work. Since then, a lot has been said and written about how beneficial this model can be for diverse businesses across many sectors. Yet, there are companies that still only think of remote work as an emergency model that can’t replace in-house work in any form or way. In fact, the debate about how beneficial remote work actually is still rages on. That’s why it’s important to review all of what’s been said about remote work to identify the model’s benefits.

Increased Productivity

The question about whether remote work hinders productivity or not might be the biggest reason why companies still have doubts about this model. It’s easy to see why—if employees are working from their homes, how can managers know if they are truly working?

More Cost Savings

The same Stanford study found that remote workers saved the company approximately $2,000 per employee, mainly from costs associated with renting office space. And that’s without considering other costs that come from the traditional way of working. Fewer people in the office means that the company can rent less space, use it more efficiently, and even reduce the costs associated with mounting and maintaining the entire office infrastructure.

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